Taylor Miller Fitness Articles

I am passionate about helping my clients achieve physical and mental strength, independence, and confidence through weightlifting and functional training!

About Me: My “Origin” Story

I never felt great about my body, had crippling social anxiety (partly because of my negative outlook on my appearance), felt weak and had no idea how to stand up for myself, and was constantly sick, had horrible allergies and asthma, and developed a chronic UTI problem. I was able to heal myself and went through disordered eating, fad diets, fad exercise programs, the horrible feeling of letting myself down after creating a not-well-thought-out exercise program that I obviously failed to complete… and came out the other side. I did most of this on my own, with some guidance from my second trainer to do exercises correctly and understand how the body worked and moved. Now I invest my time and energy helping others find their confidence, strength, skill, and health completely on their own, with guidance from someone who’s been there.


NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Precision Nutrition L.1 Coach

NASM Certified Women’s Fitness Specialist

CPR Certified through American Red Cross

3rd Degree Senior Black Yang Style Tai Chi

2nd Degree Senior Black Choy Li Fut Kung Fu